
Kim Le

Sao và Sọc (Stars and Stripes)
Fibers (Quiltwork)
60″ x 76″ x 1″

In America, seldom will you ever see Vietnamese diaspora fly the official flag of Vietnam, a red flag with the yellow star; emblematic of North Vietnam. The now defunct South Vietnamese yellow flag with three red stripes has been and remains the flag which Vietnamese diaspora use to represent ourselves. When we migrated to America, we flew this yellow striped flag next to the American red, white, and blue, honoring the land we left and the land we live in now. This quilted American flag is made of small Vietnamese flags, both North and South, in red and yellow Asian brocade silks. Representing the dysphoria Vietnamese-Americans have in regards to their flag, it showcases the intermingling visual and historical relationships between the flags of the representative countries.

Winthrop University

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Jewel Edwards

Royal Self Portrait
Acrylic on canvas
40″ x 30″

Jewel Edwards was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina. She is currently a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Edwards explores themes of black identity and black culture as well as dissecting African American history in America and its impact on today’s modern society.

Winthrop University

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Sidney Gambrell

Life’s Terrain
22″ x 15″

Life’s Terrain investigates the constant exploration of the human experience in relation to time, history, and family. This vertical landscape reflects the metaphorical challenges and accomplishments we face as growing and inquisitive individuals. The flat and solid use of color surrounding both the top and bottom portions of the print mimics the components of life that appear more clouded. The remaining aspects of our lives, those which carry more clarity, are found within the detailed center of Life’s Terrain. The foliage, created through the use of CMYK color processes, represents the more understood elements of our being that work simultaneously with those that are more complex.  


Wynthrop University

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Jay Coleman

Just Lost My Peace of Mind
Photograph and Digital
15″ x 10″

My self-portraits present a play between femininity and masculinity by including traditionally feminine clothing, along with textures and clothing associated with both men and women. I want to close the gap between the two and help change the narrative of trans masculine people. I incorporate shapes hidden behind the figure as well as invading the space of the in order to parallel the feelings of discomfort that I feel. I use circles behind each of the figure’s heads to give a sense of divinity and otherworldliness.


Winthrop University

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Jason Lindsay

Stuck at Home
Laser woodblock
23″ x 29″

This semester, I have been creating prints and sculptural work exploring the feelings of doom many of us have been experiencing this past year. “Stuck at Home,” juxtaposes a close-up scene of everyday life with apocalyptic visions. This two-block print was made by using a laser to engrave bitmaps created in photoshop onto two woodblocks. While these two blocks were initially conceived to be as unrelated to each other as possible, connections will be inevitably made when any two images are side-by-side. I would like for viewers to create those connections and built their own narratives for this print.


Winthrop University

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Grace Boileau

Smoke and Mirrors
Oil on canvas
24″ x 32″

In a world consumed by a person’s outer appearance, Grace Boileau is an artist attempting to tackle the concept of an internalized male gaze. Trying to find her own sense of beauty and ideality through the movement of paint across the canvas that looks to over shadow the dominating internalization. To gaze is to decide, to interpret what one is seeing and what it means, but what happens when that understanding is already predetermined? What happens to one’s self-identityand self-love? Gaze into the looking glass, what do you see?


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Georgia Howard

The Candles
11″ x 16.8″

This work is one of three prints from my senior thesis work titled, What If We Were No More Than A Commodity. The project explores the idea of a parallel universe where the roles of humans and light sources switch places. Through random doodles, I came up with the idea of a girl with a lantern for a head. I began to wonder what other people would live in this same universe and created more characters with light sources as heads. The viewer gets a glimpse into their ordinary lives as they read, go on a date, or just laze around the home. The human objects are there only as a means to light the surroundings and set the mood. Reversing the roles of humans and lights creates a sense of curiosity and absurdity. I ask the viewer to look into the world I have created and enjoy the comedic imagery. What started as a doodle has turned into a fleshed out concept that allows the viewer to imagine themselves in an alternate reality with a transmuted existence.


Winthrop University

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Erin Betfort

20″ x 15″

This work was created using imagery that was meant to capture the idea of being absorbed back into nature. The piece features a figure being given back to a dilapidated building; both the building and the figure are dissolving into the foliage. This work creates juxtaposition in the feeling of safety and suffocation.


Winthrop University

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Emma Ongman

Object No. 1
3D print, epoxy resin, and spray paint
25″ x 32″ x 14″

Emma Ongman is an interdisciplinary artist interested in questioning structures of reality. She is currently inspired by the evolution of technology and its influence on human behaviour. | @emmaongman

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Emily Escoffery

Another Green One
Oil and acrylic on canvas
48″ x 36″

Emily Escoffery is a painter who aims to explore the boundaries between the digital and the painterly by mainly focusing on the movement and colour of shapes. She is interested in biomorphic forms that allow an investigation of the edges of intersecting shapes, which then enter a liminal space of in-betweenness due to blurring techniques. Emily strives for the audience to be encompassed by the colours and forms without seeking any kind of representation or objectivity because even if there are symbolic images, their connections are not integral to the meaning/explanation of the work.


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