Nerine Cavadias
Unwritten is an exhibition that seeks to explore the infinite possible ways that history could have played out. This work aims to subvert the expectations of a piece of art as something precious and valuable, to call back to the atrocities of the holocaust. Taking pieces from Adolf Hitler’s failed art career, drawing them into a book, then burning it, it felt like a poignant gesture and in a sense, poetic justice. The Holocaust was such a prominent and horrifying part of our history, which happened not even 100 years ago, and should not be forgotten. Rather than to reiterate the past, Unwritten calls to attention the limitless versions of history that did not come to pass due to the actions of one man with a country under his thumb. Almost asking the question; What is Hitler made it as an artist? Would the Nazis have burned so much cultural heritage? Would we have lost the millions of innocent souls? Would we even have had World War II? No matter how many different possibilities there are, we must not forget what happened and learn from the past to prevent history’s repetition.
This piece of art now ceases to exist but in a documented form through a variety of lenses-much alike most of our human history.

You can find more of Nerine’s work on Instagram @theartofnerine