Sarah Fabrizi

This body of work emphasizes experimentation and risk-taking. After having a static and predictable method of art-making for the past few months, I decided to use this exhibition opportunity to push myself to do something different. Perhaps this was a stupid decision, but we all make those every now and again, don’t we? Recently in my work I have been referencing art historical paintings as a way to get the paint onto the canvas. Additionally, with this body of work I tried to do something different or use a new technique in each painting. As I said before, this is kind of an experiment, people.
The most obvious difference between these paintings and my past work is the absence of ornamentation. Removal of the ornament has been suggested to me multiple times ever since last semester. I’ve decided to use that feedback to challenge myself. It forces me to focus more on the marks. Their size, their speed, their shape, their palette, how they might interact with each other. With the ornamentations it was easy to hide bad decisions, and with some of my old work I can’t help but be reminded of the saying: “lipstick on a pig”.
Here, everything is out in the open. There’s not a lot of room to hide.
Sarah Fabrizi is a painter from Oakville, Ontario. She is in her final year of the Arts and Sciences program at the University of Guelph, studying Studio Art and Biology. / /